by Samantha Lund, News Editor

Pacific Lutheran University hosted a Mole Day Eve celebration Oct. 23. The PLU chemistry department and Chemistry Club worked together to put the event on for students to celebrate chemistry. The events included chemistry experiments, making sweet treats like caramel apples (above) and, of course, blowing things up(right).  Mole Day is celebrated annually at PLU and worldwide in honor of Avogadro’s Number 6.022 X 1023, which is a basic measuring unit in chemistry. Mole Day was created to foster an interest in chemistry. Photo Credit: Genny Boots
Pacific Lutheran University hosted a Mole Day Eve celebration Oct. 23. The PLU chemistry department and Chemistry Club worked together to put the event on for students to celebrate chemistry. The events included chemistry experiments, making sweet treats like caramel apples (above) and, of course, blowing things up(right).
Mole Day is celebrated annually at PLU and worldwide in honor of Avogadro’s Number 6.022 X 1023, which is a basic measuring unit in chemistry. Mole Day was created to foster an interest in chemistry.
Photo Credit: Genny Boots
Photo Credit: Miles Radford
Photo Credit: Miles Radford

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