Junior Angie Tinker is Co-Editor of The Matrix. and majoring in History with an emphasis in the Modern Era in China. Photo Courtesy of Angela Tinker.
Junior Angie Tinker is Co-Editor of The Matrix. and majoring in History with an emphasis in the Modern Era in China. Photo Courtesy of Angela Tinker.

By Angie Tinker and Laura Johnson, Co-Editors of The Matrix

Junior Laura Johnson is the Co-Editor of The Matrix. and is an English Literature major with a minor in Holocaust and Genocide Studies. Photo Courtesy of Laura johnson
Junior Laura Johnson is the Co-Editor of The Matrix. and is an English Literature major with a minor in Holocaust and Genocide Studies. Photo Courtesy of Laura johnson

Campuswide, from conversations in the Commons to discussion in the Diversity Center, social justice is not just an expression heard only in passing. Rather, social justice is a thriving aspect of the culture at Pacific Lutheran University.

As a community, PLU has many strong voices and organizations centered on social justice promoting multi-faceted equality in our society and working as advocates and activists. The Women’s Center, the Diversity center and Grass Roots Environmental Action Now (GREAN) are only a few of these organizations that enrich our campus. It doesn’t stop there.

As PLU’s social justice journal,The Matrix more than just a publication. It’s an opportunity for advocacy. We envision The Matrix as a significant aspect of our campus by being a platform for social justice dialogue, and, above all, a space for students to find their voices.

“A student-run, student-driven, and community-centered publication, The Matrix creates a space for multi-faceted conversations on social justice,” said senior Ruthie Kovanen, a past editor of The Matrix

These conversations can take many forms: essays, poetry, artwork, music and much more. The power behind The Matrix resides in building an avenue and opportunity for truly united dialogue across campus.

The space that we imagine that The Matrix builds is important because it helps to rediscover our understanding of advocacy.

The Matrix widens existing social justice conversations on campus and allows students to engage in a form of public activism that challenges the notion that rallies and protests are the only way to create change,” Kovenan said.

As students, activism and advocacy can be as simple as picking up a pen or opening a computer. We at The Matrix hope to spark conversation and action instead of inaction in our community by encouraging students to participate, explore their passions for social justice, and submit this year!

There is an exciting, new beginnings energy around campus this year. If you are interested in harnessing this energy to get involved, or are interested in submitting, check us out on our website. You can also find us on our Facebook page and on Twitter at

We will be at the Open Mic Night tonight, Friday, Sept. 26 and will be publishing our own upcoming social justice newsletter.
Let’s start changing our campus one voice at a time!


Angie Tinker and Laura Johnson
Co-Editors of The Matrix

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