Staff Writer

The first-ever superhero based television series to be available exclusively for streaming is now a reality.

On April 10, the entire first season of “Daredevil” was released on Netflix.

The show is a Marvel Television program released through Netflix.

First-year Bryce MacCallum is an avid comics fan.

“Marvel has it all covered now,” he said, “with movies, television and now Netflix.”

Daredevil is a superhero that was blinded as a child. As an adult, he is a lawyer by day but fights crime by night using his heightened senses – combined with his billy club – to avenge the death of his father.

First-year Michael Pham is another on-campus Marvel fan.

“With Daredevil in particular, I liked how ironic it was that he was a lawyer attempting to do what he could within the bounds of the law,” Pham said. He also said he liked how Daredevil is “a vigilante who has to come to grips with the effect that violence has on his own soul.”

The Marvel Studios/Netflix original was created and written by Drew Goddard, who helped create the Emmy award-winning show “Lost.”

Being created by one of the makers of “Lost” explains the dark, often-edgy vibe the show gives out.

MacCallum said he thought it was “darker than anything Marvel has done before — sometimes it didn’t even feel like Marvel.”

The show stars relatively fresh actors: Charlie Cox as Daredevil and Elden Henson as Daredevil’s best friend and associate accompanied by long time actor Vincent D’Onofrio as the Kingpin.

With the show being aired through Netflix, Marvel is given the opportunity to do more than normally allowed on regular cable television, since Netflix does not have the traditional FCC regulations of broadcast television.

“Daredevil” is just the beginning for Marvel and Netflix, as Marvel has set a four TV show deal with the TV and Movie streaming site.

Following “Daredevil,” the other three shows will be about Luke Cage, Iron Fist and, finally, Jessica Jones.

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