If mid terms got you down, don’t worry. Mast Media has compiled our list of survival techniques and strategies to let you now it’s 100%, totally, absolutely okay that you feel this way. We’re just here to tell you, you’ll get through it and you’re awesome… but just in case you aren’t awesome enough to do it alone, here are our tips: 

First and foremost, don’t feel like you’re alone in being stressed… who else here is stressed?


Don’t worry we got you covered…

1. Obviously, study hard. But make sure to take plenty of breaks.

2. Don’t let yourself go! Look better, feel better, be better.


3. Get plenty of sleep. Staying up till 2 a.m. sounds like a good idea… until it’s 8 a.m. mid-term time.


4. Exercise! Get some stress-free time outside.


5. Lean on your friends! Don’t lock yourself alone in your room for the week.


Finally, the most important: When you’re done with all your tests… PARTY YOUR ASS OFF.


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