

For the Buzzfeed Quiz, we took “Which Season Actually Suits Your Personality?” which followed a series of questions involving our favorite places to go and our favorite things to for fun. Ramy and Kyle both received “Fall” as the season of choice, which we can both agree with.

Our ‘Would You Rather?’ questions consisted of 11 Harry Potter themed questions ranging from what character we would rather be, what characters we would rather fight, and what classes we would rather take at Hogwarts . To access this list, go onto PlayBuzz and take the short 11 question quiz.

For 60 Seconds of Sports, Kyle quized Ramy on how well he knew his material and if he would be able to discuss all his topics under 60 seconds. Luckily, Ramy was able to remember all the facts as well as make it under 60 seconds, coming in at 59.68 seconds.

Our text message segment discussed Kyle and his group chat with his classmates about an unhappy professor, as well as Ramy and his group of friends signing up for intramural sports. As you may be aware by now, the text messages never seem to get too scandalous – lame!

On the topic of Art & Culture, PLU’s annual LollaPLUza will be held next month on Saturday, May 7th! Tune into the show or check The Mast to see who the headliner is for this years music festival. For those that have suggestions for future shows, check us out on Facebook – After Hours with Ramy and Kyle.

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