Photo by Oliver Johnson


With the U.S. beginning a new chapter with a new president, the role of major news outlets is crucial now more than ever. Journalism exists to inform the public about current events, hold those in positions of power accountable for their actions and help tell the larger narrative of our nation and world.

Mast Media embraces a similar role, striving to empower the Pacific Lutheran University community through truthful, thoughtful storytelling. Mast Media is comprised entirely of students who care about their community.

We work to enable our community to have a common ground to understand and discuss the stories that concern each of us.

In order to fulfill this responsibility, Mast Media reports using the legal and ethical guidelines set forth by the Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics. This code can be found here.

The primary ethical responsibility of journalists is to seek and report truth. This requires fact-checking, providing context and asking tough but important questions when necessary.

Journalists have the legal right to report on anything considered public — from public events to public figures to public social media posts — as long as these public topics are reported on factually.

To minimize harm, journalists are responsible for covering sensitive topics with respect and compassion toward the subjects. Our duty to seek the truth does not excuse predatory behavior toward vulnerable individuals.

Mast Media intends to tell PLU’s story with honesty and care, abiding by the established legal and ethical standards. This responsibility often requires balancing various ethical considerations, the needs of individuals and the needs of the larger PLU community. The decisions Mast Media makes come from compassion for everyone at PLU.

Another interview concludes, another article ends, another fresh stack of newspapers arrives. And the next morning, as students and faculty grab the next edition of The Mast, a new chapter of the PLU story begins. Mast Media is proud to help tell this story.

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