Henry Kissinger Satire

Elder statesman Henry Kissinger, who was never tried or convicted of anything, died on Nov. 29 at the age of 100. While communists and enemies of the state cheer this...

Santos Satire

Members of Congress voted to expel George Santos this morning in a bipartisan outcome of 311-114.  His time in office was overshadowed by frequent revelations of lying; among others, Santos...

Names Are not Sacred at PLU

This year PLU has launched the Names are Sacred campaign. The goal of this is to “foster empathy and understanding around the importance of using chosen names, promote an...

Students’ Reactions to the Tent’s Removal are a Mixed Bag

Natalie Elskamp Staff Reporter This article is intended to be satirical. Names and quotes have been fabricated and do not represent actual people. The tent above Red Square was removed mere weeks...

Satire: the door-droppers

JULIA GROSVENOR; Opinion Writer; grosvejm@plu.edu A group of concerned students is leading a mission to fix the problem of declining door etiquette on campus. Calling themselves the Committee for Courteous Lutes, the group...

Satire: Lochte dances into trouble

ERIN BAKER; Online Copy Editor; bakeree@plu.edu Last week, celebrities took the stage on ABC’s hit show “Dancing with the Stars” to prove that they can dance in various ballroom styles....

Satirical summer news recap: two truths and a lie

JULIA GROSVENOR; Opinion Writer; grosvejm@plu.edu This summer’s news was a huge joke. Honestly, if the world keeps this up, we won’t even need a satire section anymore. Don’t believe me?...

Warning satire at play: Finals no longer horrible for just college students

JULIA GROSVENOR; Satirist: grosvejm@plu.edu Here at Pacific Lutheran University, students pretty much accept that life will be horrible until the end of May. However, Biological Anthropology professor Marcella Piaazo has noticed a...

Warning: Satire at play: Science reveals the best running mate for each presidential hopeful

JULIA GROSVENOR; Satirist: grosvej@plu.edu Now that the primaries are ending, it’s time for the winners to announce who their choice for vice president is going to be. Apparently science has the answer. At...