K-Pop with Kiana

KIANA NORMAN-SLACK; Copy Editor; normanks@plu.edu I like to call myself a K-Pop enthusiast. I used to call myself K-Pop trash (I mean, it’s still kind of the same thing), but enthusiast is...

“The Anthropocene Reviewed”

Episode 1: Canada Geese and Diet Dr Pepper. iTunes: https://t.co/bLoNHNJMPdSoundCloud: https://t.co/LuvrSH3mYROvercast: https://t.co/YhA80MOdGC pic.twitter.com/WJTWt5NVAH— The Anthropocene Reviewed (@anthroreviewed) January 30, 2018 Hannah Soltis; Copy Editor; soltishe@plu.edu In the last few years, I have discovered...