This week on After Hours with Ramy and Kyle:
For the Buzzfeed Quiz, we took “What Type of Awkward Are You?” which followed a series of questions involving interactions with other people in various situations. Ramy and Kyle both received “socially awkward,” which we agree with some of the time.
Our ‘Would You Rather?’ questions consisted of 10 different questions ranging from topics of what age would you rather have a kid to what situation would you rather be stuck in. None of the questions went above a PG-13 rating, however there were some sexual references.
For 60 Seconds of Sports, Kyle quized Ramy on how well he knew his material and if he would be able to discuss all his topics under 60 seconds. Unfortunately, Ramy was not able to remember all the facts this week but the facts he was able to talk about he got correct.
Lastly, our text message segment discussed Kyle and Pretty Little Liars, a popular television show that airs on ABC Family (now known as Freeform) as well as Ramy and his conversations with his roommates. For those that have suggestions for future shows, check us out on Facebook – After Hours with Ramy and Kyle.