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Amidst the craziness that is Super Tuesday and the upcoming election for the next President of the United States, Lutes are faced with a similar decision here on campus.
Between February 22 and 26, students were invited to register for ASPLU Executive Elections. So far, there are two candidates currently confirmed as running for next year’s open ASPLU Student Body President position. Candidates include current Vice President of ASPLU junior Ellie Lapp and sophomore Austin Beiermann. Lapp has already announced her running mate for next year’s Vice President, junior Taylor Bozich.

Both presidential candidates have been busy campaigning via the internet and around campus. Lapp and Bozich’s slogan campaign is, “Experienced. Passionate. Thoughtful.” On the other side, Beiermann’s campaign includes the slogan, “asking the ‘Big Enough Questions,’” and his micro-sized posters can be found around campus in locations such as OMM. Lapp is currently experience more online support through social media, with 250 more supporters on her Facebook campaign page than Beiermann. Both candidates, however, have plenty of time to gain more support from their fellow Lutes before the primary elections.
Lapp and Beiermann are both expected to release more information about their policies as the final debate and elections draw closer.
The primary elections will be held on March 10 and 11, and the final debate will occur on March 14 in AUC 133 at 6pm. The general elections will be held on March 17 and 18. All voting is to occur online at