BEN LESCHENSKY; Guest Writer; leschebj@plu.edu
Editor’s Note: Ben Leschensky is a member of the PLU Reign ultimate frisbee team.
Peace. Love. Ultimate. That’s what it’s all about on the Pacific Lutheran University Men’s and Women’s club ultimate frisbee teams. The two clubs, PLU Reign (men) and the Reign Women (women), are two competitive clubs on campus, and they welcome students from all corners of campus.
Ultimate frisbee seems to be one of the fastest growing sports in the United States, gaining popularity in all corners of the country, including the Pacific Northwest. Clayton Regehr, senior and co-captain of the men’s team, says this is in part due to the incredible opportunities ultimate offers. At PLU, the ultimate clubs are open to anyone, even if you have no previous skills in throwing a frisbee.
A theme on the teams is openness and acceptance of people from all backgrounds. The teams advocate for inclusivity, promoting gender equity and the inclusion of all people.
The teams encourage the opportunity to be active, think critically and let their competitive side shine through.
“Ultimate is a great sport for former high school and collegiate athletes. We have women who were elite swimmers, soccer players, volleyball players–you name it,” senior Genny Boots said. “It’s the place for people looking for a team sport and competition, but also a balance between school and social life.”

Both teams play all year. The fall is usually more laid back, whereas in the spring the intensity racks up. Generally, each team will practice two to three times a week and play a pickup game on Foss Field every Friday evening. Both teams are very flexible with school and work schedules. During the spring season, the teams will often travel to different tournaments around the country. Previous locations include Las Vegas, California and Atlantic City. Also, PLU hosts its very own tournament on campus each year.
Inclusion is possible because many players find the rules to be simple. The objective is to score goals against the opposing team’s defense by reaching the end zone. This is done by handlers (quarterbacks) throwing the disc downfield to the cutters (receivers). Generally, there are three handlers and four cutters. The 90 minute games are normally played to 15 points, with a halftime in the middle. Cleats are required at tournaments, and jerseys are provided. Although tournaments can be competitive, the first and foremost goal is always to have fun.
If ultimate frisbee sounds interesting, the PLU men’s and women’s teams would love to have new members. As Regehr stated, “any time you see a frisbee being thrown on campus, just join in.”