Noah, Age 14

Josiah is the best teacher because he is cool, and he can help students out when they need it. Josiah is the best teacher because he can make learning fun and he can also turn math from being boring into being fun. Josiah is a cool man which has led me to believe that he is the best tutor. Before I met Josiah, I thought he was going to be boring just by his appearances. Now I know why people say do not judge a book by its cover. I think Josiah when he dresses up, he looks like he owns his own personal business, and he also looks like he worked for harry potter. Josiah’s relationship life is amazing. I see him in the future married to this girl named Valentina and they have a happy family together. One of my favorite experiences I have with Josiah is when we went on a scavenger hunt around the Mast showing us each room. He also took us to the library, and after that he took us to go look at the theater room, and showed us where he worked. Josiah has a weird food taste because he tried white Cheetos mixed with yogurt. Me personally, I think not only is that disgusting, but that is disturbing. Who in the right mind would think that is good. Someone PLEASE, PLEASE help him out and put him on with the tasty food. I would also give a BIG shout out to PLU pantry for hooking us up with the mid snacks. I would also give one request, put Propel water back instead of those NASTY Gatorades because they taste like butt.

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