Sports Writer
As the starting running back for her intramural flag football team last year, Junior Kailyn Osaki led her team to a 6-1 regular season standing. Osaki’s team is known as the “Fairies” and they have been a powerhouse of intramural flag football for the past two seasons. The Fairies were first in points scored and fifth in points against last season.
Anyone who has seen Osaki play flag football knows that she is lighting fast and almost untouchable. In two years, no team has come up with a way to stop Osaki from scoring every game. She was an all-star selection from the Fairies last year and represented her team well in the all-star game. The all-star game was fun for Osaki, as she got to “play with instead of against the usual competitors.”
Osaki says that her favorite part of intramurals is “the friendly competition and just going out there for fun.”
The Fairies are currently undefeated, in part due to the skill of Osaki being small and elusive. For taller opponents it is difficult to cover shorter athletes due to their quickness in change of direction. For this reason, they look to be a top contender for the championship t-shirts, this season.
Osaki may be a champion at flag football, but her success doesn’t stop there. She also plays basketball, dodgeball, and volleyball for intramurals. Osaki says she likes intramurals because “I always love playing and trying different sports and it’s even better when I can play some friends and even make some new ones along the way.”
Osaki juggles a full class schedule, intramurals, and softball practice. She is currently a member of the varsity softball team and can be found either in the field house or out on the softball field working on her game. She is an all around athlete and loves every sport she tries.
Osaki does not plan on going pro in flag football anytime soon, she is working towards a degree in Kinesiology, Health and Fitness Promotion with Certification and a minor in Sports Psych. Look for Kailyn Osaki to be a powerhouse player on the field, and in the classroom this year.