Dear Mooring Mast,

First, thank you for your publication each week. I enjoy reading it on Friday afternoons.

I was prompted to send an email after reading the feature “How to Sound Smart: About Penis Size” on page 3 of the March 6 issue. It was under the “News” section, which I found intriguing (and somewhat disturbing). I realize that I am at a liberal college, and, as a conservative person, occasionally feel a little out of place. I recognize and actively try to appreciate, however, the diversity of opinion, beliefs and values on our campus.

But because the paper serves a significant role in representing Pacific Lutheran University, this piece seemed a bit unnecessary to me, and made me want to disassociate myself from my school. One may also consider that placing “How to Sound Smart: About Penis Size” adjacent to an article about the Holocaust conference is a bit troubling. And potentially disturbing. And disrespectful, given that an article about penises, which I dare claim isn’t exactly table talk, is roughly six times the size of the article about the Holocaust conference.

It just made me wonder — would we want a younger generation of future Lutes to pick up that paper and associate penis size with Pacific Lutheran University? Would we want an older generation of Pacific Lutheran University alumni to believe that this is how its alma mater now represents itself? Call me a radical, but I still like to identify myself with values, manners and class. And while a small feature in a college newspaper attempting to be edgy may not seem like a very big deal, I believe it is these little things that lead to a general distancing and abandonment of true morals and values in our culture.

I also recognize that a piece in a newspaper does not compose one’s entire perception of the University— but I certainly felt less proud to call myself a Lute when I saw this today.

Thank you for your time.

Carly Stauffer


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