REVIEW: “Catching Fire” heats up box office

The sequel to “The Hunger Games” has taken an unusual and surprising step in the cinematic arena — it has surpassed the original. “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire” burned...

“Sin by Silence” gives a voice

By Una Haave, Guest Writer Through the documentary "Sin by Silence" and the subsequent discussion led by guest speaker Brenda Clubine, members of the Pacific Lutheran University community learned about...

“Gravity”: New film offers surprising themes of literary merit

By Thomas Horn, Guest Writer Through all of the stunning visuals, the defined symbols and the incredible acting talent, "Gravity" has the potential to win best movie of 2013 at...

Movies: There’s an app for that

By Evan Heringer, Guest Writer There is an app for just about everything, and if you like movies or television shows, some of these can be pretty handy. The website,...

Horror movie remakes lack suspense, plot and terror

by Thomas Horn Halloween is nothing without the screams, scares and frights of horror films, but modern day movies have little to offer compared to the classics. Classic horror movies simply...

Experience the Tacoma Film Festival

By Evan Heringer As students, we all need a little rest and relaxation time off campus with some good films, and the perfect way to do so is by experiencing...

Students react to ‘Harry Potter’ spinoff

Last week, Harry Potter fans rejoiced at the announcement from Warner Brothers that J.K. Rowling will be penning a screenplay based on an extension of the Wizarding World she...

Based on a True Story

Popcorn tumbles out of the sweaty hands of movie-goers as they gawk at the phrase “based on a true story.” Most likely, these viewers have just experienced a horror film...

Blockbusters include ‘Monsters University’ and ‘The Great Gatsby’

By Katelynn Padron, Guest Writer You may have seen “E.T.,” the “Indiana Jones” films, the “Star Wars” series, “The Dark Knight” or perhaps “The Avengers.” All of these movies have one big...