Terran’s Take Podcast – KimYe vs. T-Swizzle

TERRAN WARDEN; Mast Radio Arts & Culture Producer; wardentc@plu.edu   Terran Warden is joined by Matt Salzano for a session of entertainment news recaps and opinions focused on the world of celebrity. For the...

Aoki the insomniac

STEPHANIE COMPTON; Guest Writer; comptose@plu.edu If you’re looking for something to watch on Netflix this Friday night, look no further than the new arrivals section of Netflix. “I’ll Sleep When...

Sports Talk 9/15

Christian Bond Mast Radio Sports Producer bondco@plu.edu Christian Bond, Lacey Nicholson, Kellen Westering and Drew Ardissone bring you two hours of sports coverage focused on PLU athletics, as well as what is happening...

Sports Talk 9/8

Christian Bond Mast Radio Sports Producer bondco@plu.edu Christian Bond, Lacey Nicholson, Kellen Westering and Drew Ardissone bring you two hours of sports coverage focused on PLU athletics, as well as what is happening...

Sunday Sesh: Denae McGaha

Eddie McCoven, Mast Radio Program Director mccoveej@plu.edu This year, Mast Media and Lute Air Student Radio embarked on a partnership on a series of live music shows called Sunday Sesh, inviting our...

LollaPLUza festival fashion

BROOKE THAMES; A&C Editor: thamesbe@plu.edu May 7 marks LollaPLUza, Pacific Lutheran University’s on-campus music festival.  Just like Coachella fans, Lutes at LollaPLUza show up to show off their best hippie-inspired frocks....

Songs of spring

SAMANTHA LUND; Editor-in-Chief: lundsr@plu.edu As Spring slowly gives way to Summer, many find themselves  crafting their summer music playlists. Check out what tunes The Mast Editorial Board will be singing as they...

Sports Talk 5/6

Christian Bond Mast Radio Sports Producer bondco@plu.edu Christian Bond, Kellen Westering and Drew Ardissone bring you two hours of sports coverage focused on PLU athletics, as well as what is happening professionally...

“But I Made Lemonade”

BROOKE THAMES; A&C Editor: thamesbe@plu.edu From the moment Beyonce announced the Formation tour, I wondered how the best girl in the game could launch a nation-wide stadium tour without any new music to...