The News Briefly- March 17, 2017

This week on News Briefly Helen and Julia review the most recent School of Arts and Communication Concert, and talk about what some things you might not know about...

Learning from Standing Rock

JEFF DUNN; LASR General Manager; Between news of the Army Corps of Engineers approving the final stages of the Dakota Access Pipeline via President Trump and Seattle’s divestment from Wells Fargo...

PLU’s $3 Million Problem

MAST STAFF; ‘Money talks,’ as the old saying goes — and the conversation Pacific Lutheran University students are missing out on is the $3 million budget shortfall. Earlier this year, administrators...

The Clay Crows make PLU history at improv tournament

Cecilie Thorgerson; Guest Writer; PLU’s improv group The Clay Crows was awarded second place at the Northwest Regionals of the 10th Annual College Improv Tournament (CIT) at Jet City Improv...

Letter from our Editors: Reporting boldly

MATTHEW SALZANO & BROOKE THAMES; Editor-in-Chief and Mast Magazine Editor; and An activist group known as Concerned Student 1950 protested at the University of Missouri in November 2015. The group protested...

Editorial: Telling the story

MAST EDITORIAL BOARD; With the U.S. beginning a new chapter with a new president, the role of major news outlets is crucial now more than ever. Journalism exists to inform...

Editorial: Vote the PLU way

MAST EDITORIAL BOARD; This election season has been marred by scandal, hostility and confusion, so it’s understandable why many registered Lute voters plan on leaving certain issues on their ballots...

Letter from the Mag Editor

Growing up, I was encouraged to be certain. When my mother asked me a question, she didn’t want to hear what I thought. She wanted to hear what I...

Most Valuable Mom

Hilary Vo; Guest Writer; Pacific Lutheran University junior Kiana Calles has mastered the art of balancing college volleyball and pursuing a major in kinesiology. She also balances raising her...