Gone but not forgotten. NPCC closes its doors again
Helen Smith; Guest Writer;Â smithhe@plu.edu
Northern Pacific Coffee Company, located on Garfield Street, closed earlier this January due to low revenue. The coffee shop has been a staple of the Pacific...
Tree planting draws students and community members
SARAH CORNELL-MAIER;Â News Co-Editor;Â cornelsm@plu.eduÂ
On Feb. 10, about 60 people gathered on the lawn outside of Tingelstad Hall on the Pacific Lutheran University campus to celebrate a symbolic tree planting known...
The march on Red Square: students protest in response to Nov. 8 election results
Editor’s note: We at Mast Media recognize the pain, fear and suffering affecting members of the Pacific Lutheran University community following the 2016 presidential election. Throughout the reporting process,...
PLU MediaLab premieres new documentary
BREANNA WIERSMA;Â Copy Editor;Â wiersmbm@plu.edu
A documentary made by Pacific Lutheran University MediaLab students premiered to a crowd of more than 200 people at Theatre on the Square in downtown Tacoma Saturday,...
Lutes gather after divisive presidential election
ERIN BAKER;Â Online Copy Editor;Â bakeree@plu.edu
Pacific Lutheran University community members congregated in Red Square Wednesday, Nov. 9 to discuss the recent presidential election. President Krise invited students, staff and faculty to...
PLU marketing shies away from the legendary slogan: is EMAL an important legacy or...
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MAST STAFF ;Â mast@plu.edu
When the Pacific Lutheran University Department of Athletics tweeted a photo (pictured below) supporting the Bjug...
Holocaust conference highlights women’s voices
KENDALL PARGOT;Â Guest Writer;Â pargotka@plu.edu
Bronka Klibanski stood on platform waiting for the train to take her into the ghetto. She knew the German SS officer had spotted her and the suitcase...
First-time voters disappointed by political climate
JEFF DUNN;Â LASR General Manager;Â dunnja@plu.edu
This year’s presidential election has been a roller coaster of emotions and, for many Lutes, this tumultuous presidential election will be the first they vote in.
A faith space
BROOKE THAMES;Â Mast Magazine Editor;Â thamesbe@plu.edu
Muslim Lutes Alaa Alshaibani and Fatoumatta Conteh discuss being a religious minority on a Christian campus, their efforts to form a Muslim Student Union and their...