A spectrum of identities

NAYONNI WATTS; Guest Writer; wattsna@plu.edu I think any person from a marginalized group can speak about how difficult it can be to advocate for themselves, especially if they’re a part of a...

Black Panther makes history

GURJOT KANG; Opinion Editor; kanggk@plu.edu This past weekend, thousands across the United States lined up in front of movie theaters everywhere to see the story of Black Panther come to life on...

Moving monuments

Carly Stauffer; Guest Writer; stauffice@plu.edu Anyone with a calibrated moral compass recognizes August’s Charlottesville tragedy as corrupt and heartbreaking. The bloody clash of white supremacists rallying against the removal of a statue...

Looking back: Ten expectations as a first-year

Marsia Johnson; Guest Writer; johnsomp@plu.edu College is weird. When I was coming into PLU as a first-year, I expected that because my high school experience sucked, I would immediately find my place when...

Side by Side: Editors review “13 Reasons Why”

Editor’s note: Opinions presented in the following reviews are not representative of The Mast as a whole DYLAN FOREMAN; Sports Editor; foremad@plu.edu I think in today’s society, people way too frequently use the...

Game of porcelain thrones: a senior’s farewell through selfies

Jeff Dunn; LASR General Manager; dunnja@plu.edu As I near the end of my stint at Pacific Lutheran University, I’ve come to an interesting realization: my average on-campus restroom visits per day is...

Letter from the editor

BROOKE THAMES; Editor-in-Chief; thamesbe@plu.edu I ask a lot of questions. Whether I’m making an argument or thinking through a social issue, I use questions to guide my thoughts. I often find the questions...

Trump’s budget fails to put Americans first

BREANNA WIERSMA; Copy Editor; wiersmbm@plu.edu Last month, the White House released a first budget proposal for the 2018 year. Called the “America First” budget, the proposal cuts 1.2% of overall discretionary spending...

The Grammys SUCK

JEFF DUNN; LASR General Manager: dunnja@plu.edu As a rule, I don’t watch the Grammys. Never mind that I don’t have cable; even if Comcast wasn’t the devil, I’d still find...