Let’s talk about sex! What is it really like to have lunch with an...

The weekly, anonymous “Let’s talk about sex” series will look into a different topic about sex and sexuality in an effort to raise awareness, bring education and be a...

K-12 education bill impact

HELEN SMITH Opinion Writer smithhe@plu.edu The governor of Washington, Jay Inslee, used his 2016 leap day to sign a new K-12 education bill into law. The new bill is meant to answer the...

Progressive or petrifying?

RACHEL DIXON Opinion Writer dixonrp@plu.edu The debate over transgender people’s rights to use the bathrooms of the gender that they identify with is an old one. Yet on February 15, 2016, there was...

Doesn’t Get Better than This

CARLY STAUFFER Opinion Writer stauffce@plu.edu I recently read an opinion editorial by Leif Wenar in the New York Times entitled “Is Humanity Getting Better?” The article took me on a stroll through the...

Need for change:

ANNIKEN GROENENG Guest Writer gronenaa@plu.edu Ag-gag laws first saw the light in the 1990s when state legislators made it a crime to take pictures or shoot videos in farms and slaughterhouses without the...

FBI vs. Apple showdown

HELEN SMITH Opinion Writer smithhe@plu.edu The big news in the tech industry this week has to do with Apple once again. However, it’s not the iPhone 7 that’s making waves, unfortunately. The FBI...

Hillary the Hypocrite

CARLY STAUFFER Opinion Writer stauffce@plu.edu While Bernie Sanders is threatening to take the lead against Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Clinton still has a chance to become the 45th President of the United...

Cold stance on Coldplay

RACHEL DIXON Opinion Writer dixonrp@plu.edu On January 29 of this year, the British band Coldplay released its controversial video for its pop hit “Hymn for the Weekend.” In the weeks since its release, the...

Out with the old in with the new

HELEN SMITH Opinion Writer smithhe@plu.edu This academic year, a bold new phenomenon is sweeping college campuses. Many colleges, including the prestigious George Washington University (GWU), are now going “Test Optional.” This means that...