On the politicization of evil

JOE WILLIAMS; Guest Writer; williaju@plu.edu Lately there have been evil actions in the United States that have been used to push the thoughts or agendas of multiple groups. This politicization of evil is...

Policy trumps Trump

ZACKERY GOSTISHA; Guest Writer; gostiszk@plu.edu Off-year elections are a lot like the cups of coffee I drink: there’s too many, I talk too much about them and no one else cares. Except...

We kneel in peace

COURTNEY MIRANDA; Social Media & Outreach Coordinator; mirandcs@plu.edu An obnoxious amount of speculative dust has been kicked up in reaction to the National Football League players’ kneeling or sitting during the national...

The Las Vegas shooting: the controversy surrounding bump stocks and the labeling of terrorism

GURJOT KANG; Reporter; kanggk@plu.edu Once again, innocent civilians are left to pick up the broken pieces of their lives and put them back together after the tragedy of another mass shooting....

Clicks that consume you

BEN LESCHENSKY; Mag Writer; leschebj@plu.edu One afternoon this past summer, I was doing some online shopping for a bike. College was quickly approaching and I was in need of some wheels. I...

Paint it gray: the struggle of practicing moderate politics

MARSIA JOHNSON; Opinion Editor; johnsomp@plu.edu You’ve probably heard the saying “black and white thinking doesn’t work in a gray world.” Black and white thinking implies that the world is divided into twos....

Moving monuments

Carly Stauffer; Guest Writer; stauffice@plu.edu Anyone with a calibrated moral compass recognizes August’s Charlottesville tragedy as corrupt and heartbreaking. The bloody clash of white supremacists rallying against the removal of a statue...

‘Cause she’s dead: opposing opinions on Taylor Swift’s new image

MACKENZIE KINTIGH; Arts & Culture Editor; kintigmf@plu.edu When I was younger, I was very influenced by the music I was listening to. As a teenager, I went with what was popular and...

Looking back: Ten expectations as a first-year

Marsia Johnson; Guest Writer; johnsomp@plu.edu College is weird. When I was coming into PLU as a first-year, I expected that because my high school experience sucked, I would immediately find my place when...