Warning satire at play: How to know if it’s ok to eat your friend’s...

JULIA GROSVENOR; Satirist: grosvejm@plu.edu Sharing food is a great experience for many people, and we all know it is especially popular during college. Splitting an entree can be a wonderful bonding moment...

To heel and back: A tall woman’s struggle

GENAVIE BOOTS; Mast TV General Manager: bootsgj@plu.edu “Wow, you are SO tall.” “Thanks. I know.” It seems like every time I decide to wear heels my already tall, 6-foot frame becomes a walking target...

Enough is enough

MONICA PAYNE; Opinion Writer: paynemk@plu.edu On Tuesday, April 5, Mississippi passed a bill allowing businesses to turn away members of the LGBT community on the basis that serving them is against their...

DEM establishment, feelin’ the Bern?

EDDIE MCCOVEN; Mast Radio Program Director: mccoveej@plu.edu With another sweep in the primaries for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and superdelegates piling up in her favor, one could argue that...

Nothing trumps integrity

CARLY STAUFFER; Opinion Writer: stauffce@plu.edu I log onto my computer and scan the Internet headlines before starting on some homework. After weeks of similar news, it’s no longer a surprise to spot...

The “Self-conscious-ie”

CARLY STAUFFR; Opinion Writer: stauffce@plu.edu Over spring break a couple of weeks ago, I got a new smartphone. It has all the newest technological advancements I will likely never use nor know...

Twenty hours is simply not enough

MONICA PAYNE; Opinion Writer: paynemk@plu.edu As college students, the pressure is put on us to be able to do it all: get into school, go to class, study, be social, do extracurricular...

The Lonesome, Crowded West

JEFF DUNN; News Editor: dunnja@plu.edu Isaac Brock was right. In the album released by Modest Mouse “The Lonesome Crowded West”, Brock predicted the now-inevitable metropolitan megalopolis that will end the...

Satire: 7 simple ways to save the planet

JULIA GROSEVENOR; Opinion Writer: grosvejm@plu.edu Take a reusable bag to OMM It’s that time of year when everyone either has way too many dining dollars or they just restocked after guilting their parents...