Warning satire at play: Finals no longer horrible for just college students

JULIA GROSVENOR; Satirist: grosvejm@plu.edu Here at Pacific Lutheran University, students pretty much accept that life will be horrible until the end of May. However, Biological Anthropology professor Marcella Piaazo has noticed a...

Letter to the Editor

WILLIE DICKERSON; nyanfwo@gmail.com Welcome Paris Franklin and thanks for the invitation to write; the power of our voices is not to be underestimated. (‘Letter from the Editor’ by Paris Franklin, Mast...

Snapchat or Match.com?

MCKENNA MORIN; Chief Photographer: morinmn@plu.edu Proclaiming your love for someone is an intimate and serious thing. So why are we shortening this experience to ten seconds or less? Snapchat romances are growing...

Comments regarding the “From silent to survivor”

Here is what the LuteDome has to say about the recent article entitiled “From silent to survivor” on https://mastmedia.plu.edu. We always appreciate your feedback! Feel free to add to...

Warning: Satire at play: Science reveals the best running mate for each presidential hopeful

JULIA GROSVENOR; Satirist: grosvej@plu.edu Now that the primaries are ending, it’s time for the winners to announce who their choice for vice president is going to be. Apparently science has the answer. At...

Warning satire at play: How to know if it’s ok to eat your friend’s...

JULIA GROSVENOR; Satirist: grosvejm@plu.edu Sharing food is a great experience for many people, and we all know it is especially popular during college. Splitting an entree can be a wonderful bonding moment...

To heel and back: A tall woman’s struggle

GENAVIE BOOTS; Mast TV General Manager: bootsgj@plu.edu “Wow, you are SO tall.” “Thanks. I know.” It seems like every time I decide to wear heels my already tall, 6-foot frame becomes a walking target...

Enough is enough

MONICA PAYNE; Opinion Writer: paynemk@plu.edu On Tuesday, April 5, Mississippi passed a bill allowing businesses to turn away members of the LGBT community on the basis that serving them is against their...

DEM establishment, feelin’ the Bern?

EDDIE MCCOVEN; Mast Radio Program Director: mccoveej@plu.edu With another sweep in the primaries for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and superdelegates piling up in her favor, one could argue that...