PLU Freezes Hot and Heavy Student Body With Fire Safety Checks

A night of intimate alone time featured blaring alarms and the sweet sounds of knocking doors interwoven with the sensual whisper “RA on duty.” The quintessential moments of Valentine's Day,...

Ice Cream Machine Returns After Extended Stay Abroad

After being absent from the PLU Commons for the fall semester, the ice cream machine is back and feeling good. We caught up with the ice cream machine after...

How Washington DC Treats an International PLU Student

A city where I felt like I could survive being a young woman without a car. A city of suits and ties, who all hurry to the metro, not...

J-Term Bahamas Class Review

The dark water was only illuminated by the flashlight Helena and I wielded; the glimpse of a nurse shark had brought us all the way out here in the...

Henry Kissinger Satire

Elder statesman Henry Kissinger, who was never tried or convicted of anything, died on Nov. 29 at the age of 100. While communists and enemies of the state cheer this...

Santos Satire

Members of Congress voted to expel George Santos this morning in a bipartisan outcome of 311-114.  His time in office was overshadowed by frequent revelations of lying; among others, Santos...

Names Are not Sacred at PLU

This year PLU has launched the Names are Sacred campaign. The goal of this is to “foster empathy and understanding around the importance of using chosen names, promote an...

“It is not what I imagined, but I still love it”

I was wiping down someone’s spilled Coke in the dining area of The Commons. My five-hour shift wasn’t even close to its end. While I was doing my unnecessarily...

The illusion of freedom

Natalie Elskamp Staff Reporter Life is like a game of Plinko.  You could know what you’re going to get, you just haven’t considered all the variables. If you tried to consider all the...