Steve’s Stance: Can’t We All Just Get Along

Steve McGrain, Sports Editor After Monday Night Football in San Francisco last week, a video went viral of 49er fans beating a Minnesota Vikings fan until he laid motionless on...

If fired, who could take over for Goodell?

Jake Bilyeu, Sports Writer National Football League Commissioner Roger Goodell is prolonging Deflate-Gate and it’s time to stop. Goodell should relinquish his power and a strong candidate to fill the position could...

Steve’s Stance: Seahawks Loss

Before kickoff in St. Louis, the last play the Seahawks offense executed was an interception with one yard to earn before crossing the goal line for a touchdown, costing...

Lute could take his talents to the next level

Steven McGrain, Sports Writer “The mindset is to not talk and praise how great of a performer that you are on the field, but let the work ethic and production...

PLU Football, a senior reflection

By Austin Hilliker, Sports Editor “Make the big time where you are.” This saying may be short in length, but by no means does it fall short in its meaning. It...

It’s more than just colors

Austin Hilliker, Sports Editor Jet black and a rich gold. Two colors that have defined Pacific Lutheran University since it first opened in 1890. The colors not only represent the prestigious...

A Pointless Part of Football: The NFL Combine

Austin Hilliker, Sports Editor When I think of football, I think of jaw dropping catches, bone crunching tackles and game winning drives. Now what If I told you there was another...

Record-breaking Senior Night ends football season

By Steven McGrain, Guest Writer In its first-ever official game against George Fox, the Pacific Lutheran University football team out-matched the Bruins in all facets of the game for a...

PLU celebrates veterans on Family Weekend

By Jake Bilyeu, Guest Writer There was a special feeling in the air over the weekend here at Pacific Lutheran University. Some would attribute that feeling to the innumerable amount of...