By Isaiah Shim
Sports Editor
Although Covid-19 has forced some sports to move their seasons, Pacific Lutheran University’s Intramurals (IM’s) are still going strong.
This fall season, all of the sports offered are adhering to the social distancing rules in place, and masks are required at all times.
While some sports like flag football and basketball are not happening, there are still a lot of options. The sports being offered this fall include Singles Badminton, Singles Pickleball, Doubles Cornhole, Doubles Kan Jam, Doubles Tennis, as well as a Disc Golf Tournament and a Punt, Pass & Kick Competition. Aside from the Disc Golf Tournament which is played on the Disc Golf Course, all games are played on either Foss Field, Olson Auditorium, or the tennis courts.
To find out more about PLU IM’s, download the PLU Rec app or follow their page on Instagram @plu_rec.