Letter from the editor- May 12

BROOKE THAMES; Editor-in-Chief; thamesbe@plu.edu Seventeen-year-old me used to say she couldn’t imagine ever being 21. Now, 21-year-old me says she doesn’t know where the time went. At the end of my junior...

Administration crosses with Crossroads

Clubs at Pacific Lutheran University usually belong to a department or organization on campus. The Body Love club is affiliated with the Women’s Center, Philosophy Club is based in...

Where’d all the trees go?

by David Mair, staff writer Trees on upper campus have taken leaf, making upper campus a little more bare. Trees across campus have been cut down because of disease and weather. Prior...

PLU unveils 253 scholarship

BROOKE THAMES A&C Editor thamesbe@plu.edu Lutes entering the Pacific Lutheran University Community in Fall 2016 will be the first students eligible to apply for the 253 PLU Bound Scholarship - a form...

Seniors give back

COLTON WALTER Chief Designer waltercj@plu.edu Three seniors say they hope to give back to PLU by fundraising for a scholarship as their traditional graduation gift from the Class of 2016. This year, more students...

Sustainability teaches nasty course in Garbology

Nearly every school in the country today recycles, but students at Pacific Lutheran University have turned it into a science. Last week, five members of the student-led organization Sustainability held...

Fire Alarm Party in South Hall

Sunday afternoon of December 3rd started with a fire alarm for South Hall residents. The alarm in the elevator went off first, and as Campus Safety was inspecting that...

Leaving students with a message: Tunnel of Oppression

by Samantha Lund, News Editor This year, the Tunnel of Oppression aims to bring back tough messages and lessons. Hopefully, students will walk away thinking about what each person can...

 FJC process enters final stage, major cuts imminent

Brennan LaBrie  News Editor Ben Leschensky Reporter The long and arduous Faculty Joint Committee (FJC) process is in its final stage, and the Pacific Lutheran University community can anticipate a slew of faculty...