Alice by Lady Gaga (A LASR dream turned wish come true)

This is a post from Duffy Anderson's blog, that she has been running for LASR with a song, a story, a post everyday.

This song has tons of memories behind it, which is strange because it’s reasonably new. It reminds me of the time I spent with my cousin this summer, but I am now choosing to hold it as a memory for my great accomplishment of this year. I have a radio show, two actually, and a blog. It all takes me back several weeks, maybe even months at this point, I was sitting on Amelia’s couch/bed and thinking about random stuff, when she mentions that she wants to check out the club fair. I thought sure that sounds alright. I saw the LASR link and clicked sign up, thinking I would go to some big zoom call where they would explain the club, but no. I was sent to a one on one video call with the club president. I freaked out and hit cancel thinking that was that my dream of being a radio star was down the drain, but several days later I received an email from the student apologizing for hanging up, so I wrote them back explaining how much I wanted to be part of the whole thing and how I had an idea for an audiobooking radio show. They loved it. From there it was all uphill. I got the first show running and just finished reading Alice in Wonderland. Then I started my second show, in which every episode has a different theme. Finally, I started a blog, I have been posting every day. True it has only been two weeks, but that still pretty cool. I made my dream come true. Who knew you can just send emails and make things happen.

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