By Kendan Bendt

It’s important to keep your brain active during these trying times, and why not do something creative to take the edge off? Everyone knows people love to be creative, and in this article I’m going to list a bunch of different ways you can go about doing it.

Writing is the first creative hobby I’m recommending. Writing is a relaxing and delightful activity in which you, well, write. It’s fairly self-explanatory, but even if you’re just writing out your dreams or starting a journal, writing can be very healthy.

Drawing is another relaxing activity which is fairly easy to pick up during these stressful times. There are several guides to gaining simple drawing skills available for free online. Drawing is a way for you to express yourself, communicate thoughts and feelings, and most of all take your mind off of being trapped indoors.

Working with crafts is another way to get creative. If you have paper in your house, you can practice origami, or the Japanese art of paper folding. Several guides are available online for this, but all you really need is a clean piece of paper! There are hundreds if not thousands of shapes you can make, from a crane to a complex insect.

These are just a few of so many ways in which you can keep yourself occupied and be creative at the same time.

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