Students gathered at the Engagement Fair on Sep. 16 at the annual Block Party. Different clubs and organizations ran tables to give out information for students. Photo by Kaely Harding.

Kaely Harding
Staff Reporter

PLU’s Campus Life, RHA, and ASPLU joined together to hold the annual Block Party in Red Square Sep. 17. Several activities took place through the afternoon to help new and current students find their place at PLU.

The afternoon began with the campus club engagement fair. Students promoting different clubs and organizations on campus sports teams tabled at the event. Drama and clubs, sports teams, the creative writing club, and many more campus groups were represented.

Students wandered between tables, finding different ways to get involved or even just talking to new groups to get stickers and candy. A few outside organizations also participated to help students get involved in the Parkland community. Students of all kinds were able to interact, play games, and learn about PLU.

Throughout the Block Party, Rock the Vote (a large voting promotion event) encouraged young students to vote. Music performances from PLU graduates, current students and community members kept the crowds lively and engaged as ASPLU helped teach young adults how to register to vote and the importance of doing so. Local residents ran a booth to show the steps of registering and teach about the effects of civil engagement.

The night concluded as students gathered in Red Square to party. The air was filled with laser lights and pop music. The music was so loud it could be heard from any corner of upper campus and the yelling and cheering of students cheering each other on was even louder than the music itself.


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