Student-led improv team Clay Crows had one of their fall performances on Saturday night, November 18th. The Cozy Crow show took place in the Studio Theatre with an audience of approximately 40 people sitting in a relaxed atmosphere. 

A curious feature of Clay Crows’ shows is that the audience always gets to participate in the performances by suggesting the topic for the miniature. For example, an opening skit for the Cozy Crow show was a ‘Party’ with three artists possessing traits suggested by the audience and another Clay Crow trying to guess what those traits were.

 While Crow Taya Lovejoy was away, the crowd assigned Ashley Midlo to be a frog, Allie Watkins to be Sponge Bob, and Cody Dever to be a person who desperately wanted to take off their shoes. As Lovejoy was trying to figure out the traits of three guests at her party, the audience cheered and booed to let her know if she was getting any closer to an answer. 

The repertoire of Clay Crows shows does not lack variety as during a one-hour show they went through “Sounds Like a Song”, “Replay” and “Question Period” miniatures. With no equipment other than charisma and a sense of humor, the Clay Crows team kept the audience laughing the entire time. Look out for more performances with new Crows who joined this year!

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